Consider the leadership skills of finding common ground and collaboration as you begin 2021. Highlighted in the Otsego County Chamber's "State of the State" address by Congressman Antonio Delgado, representing New York's 19th Congressional District:
Before we talk about any issue... what's the most important is the approach... finding common ground... we've got to put aside the disfunction that is plaguing us... in normal times maybe we can say 'That's OK '... it's not OK, but maybe you can get away with saying it 'You know it's normal '. These are not normal times, people are hurting and struggling and we, as leaders, have a responsibility to step up and meet the moment.
Full consideration of ideas, no matter the source, finding common ground and collaboration were also echoed by New York Assemblyman John Salka representing 121st district:
If there is any positive spin whatsoever to this horrible pandemic, is that people have learned to work together. People have helped each other through thick and thin... we can take that lesson, momentum, goodwill and continue it so we can to work together.. to make.. our communities better places to live.
Sometimes it can be difficult to know where to start the journey of finding common ground and collaborating.,,, now layer in the challenging times we've experienced and those that lie ahead. History shows us that great leaders lead us from chaos to new realities. The Leadership Otsego Program enhances skills in finding common ground foundation with the first three Sessions. Session One, Understanding Motivators - both your own and those with whom you plan to share ground - is the initial step in finding common ground. Next, common ground requires two Sessions on Conflict Management. Why so much focus? Conflict is more than a disagreement. It's a situation in which one or both parties perceives a threat to their wellbeing and survival. It's also an opportunity to drive better outcomes as a result of different perspectives, so we spend time programming ourselves to expect conflict and look to harness the positive power of conflict.
The skill of collaboration is the theme for the final three Sessions of Networking, Team Building and Executive Presence. A large part of the Program is engaging with fellow Program Participants, as well as, area business leaders. We explore our collaboration skills through work on real issues, gaining insight and guidance from Stakeholder and Mentors. The Program culminates in each Team presenting an executive overview of their solution, as well as, a recap of their collaboration experience.

Leadership Otsego 2021 welcomes you to enhance your leadership skills and expand your professional network. Applications are being accepted to #LeadershipOtsego 2021 offered by The Otsego County Chamber of Commerce. Deadline is Wednesday, January 20, 2021